Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How Green Are YOU??..

betapa hijaunya anda...itulah yang diterangkan melalui tajuk..tapi maksudnya..betapa anda sayang akan alam sekitar dan berapa usaha anda memulihara alam sekitar ini...skema kan ayat?..hahaha

tapi itula realitinya...kita mengeluh day by day mengatakan dunia makin panas..tapi hanya berkata-kata sahaja tidak akan mengubah suhu di bumi ini...Manusia makin rakus..dunia makin dilapah hari demi siapa akan merana?..hahaha..pikirlah..

Ini adalah contoh betapa keGREENan sesetengah masyarakat.. way dapat membanteras gejala ini...buat la ape pn tetap makin ramai yang menceburi bidang ini..bahaya tak bahaya...janji cool!..lagi2 di tempat public...

Open Burning...owh this is a bad habit..everyday msti ade yg bakar sampah..tidakkah mereka tahu daun-daun kering akan mereput?..tidak kah mereka tahu batang-batang pokok boleh digunakan untuk perhiasan?..tidak sama sekali..

pemotongan pokok...potong dahan tak apela jugak..tapi menghapuskan pokok terus adalah perkara yang aku kategorikan BODOH!...if membahyakan tidak apa juga..tapi potong hanya untuk merakus kekayaan..

Industry...yes we need industry to move our nation forward..but...can we used green approach?..instead of diesel or natural gas, why not biomass?..instead of heating using electricity, why not use steam?..

Fuel...i mean petrol..ron 95 or ron 97...xkesah la V-power skalipun..but how many people on earth know that petrol is more pollute than diesel?..diesel is more environmental friendly...suprise?..europe are striving to produce car using diesel..but our contry?..even hybrid car is much more expensive..

don't blame others..blame ourselves if the next 20years,there is no trees or even forest for young the temp is around 30 20 years, it could be around 40 C..why not kan..

so my cadangan to help cure the environment
  1. car pooling..why not kan?..if stay in one place and work in the same area..
  2. for every tree that we cut off...kita perlu tanam satu pokok dan menjaganya..x susah pn!
  3. National Cars manufacturer to start produce car using diesel...and the government to cap diesel's vehicle price lower than car using pertrol..
  4. industry should be fine every hour not yearly and fine heavily..(PALING SUSAH!..POLITIK bai)
  5. Haramkan rokok...xpayah nk naikkan time solution~
  6. improve the public transportation...dari berbillion-billion di salurkan kepada subsidi petrol..kenapa hapuskan subsidi ini dan improve the public transportation?...20billion a year is more than enough to improve our public transportation.
  7. earth hour every week..why not Malaysia be the 1st in the world to do this?..i can guarantee that millions of people will support this movement...=)
so as what the late MJ quote...

"if you want the world to be a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change"

so what are you waiting for?..go GREEN!

1 comment:

George M. said...

dah ada post baru dah???hahaha
go go green ranger!;D